Monday, April 5, 2010

6-3's Schedule for this week

It's been a while - but here is 6-3's Tuesdayand Wednesday schedule for this week (Thanks to Fatima for requesting!)

6-3 Tuesday: Perera, Stocker, Romero, Kubos

6-3 Wednesday: Chin, Robayo, Romero, Ms. P

Monday, October 5, 2009

Menus Due on Friday, October 9th

for 6th Grade and 7th Grade the last day to turn in products is Friday! Remember your challenge is to earn 100 points and you can earn up to 15 points extra credit by completing extra products. This will most likely be the last chance for extra credit before grades come out.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Friday, August 28

Congrats! You've made it through the first week of school :) Here is the homework for any of my classes.

6th Grade: (6-2, 6-3) #1-2 on the back of your notes; (6-1) Choose 2 WP from #5,8,9 and use the 5-Step framework

7th Grade: (7-2) Choose 2 WP and use the 5-Step framework;
(7-1)Place 3 of the following sets of numbers on a number line and write at least three questions you still have OR 3 “tricky” spots.

1) 0.6, 4/5, 3/7, 0.54
2) 7/9, 0.34, 1/3, 0.15
3) 9 3/8, 9.96, 8 7/8, 8.1875
4) 2.66, 2 24/50, 3.625, 3 6/71.3, 1 1/3, 0.12, 1/2

Thinking Skills: Write a paragraph or illustrate a costume for one character in you short play

HR: Club and enrollment forms due Monday

Post with questions! Thanks!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Thursday, August 27

Well we're now getting into the groove of things. Lockers are getting assigned, schedules are set, you know all your teachers...we know all of you! I hope you are still excited to be here at PCMS :)

Here is the HW for my classes:

6th Grade - Choose 2 more problems from #5,8,9 and use the 5-Step Framework. Show all work!!

7th Grade - Choose 2 more problems and use the 5-Step Framework. Show all work!!

Thinking Skills - Your posters of learning styles were due today, but that's it!

Happy Thursday!

Monday, August 24, 2009

First Day of School

Welcome back students! How'd you feel about the first day of school? If you're already checking blogs you are already ahead of the game. The blogs are a great way to share any comments, concerns, or questions you have. Everyday I'll post the math homework here, so check if you forgot what it is. Also, you can leave any lingering questions you have, I might not be able to post back, but I will do my best to cover any of your questions in the next class.

Today's Homework:
6th and 7th - Complete graphing reflection and get syllabus signed
HR - Parent forms are due this Friday

Have a great night!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Maybe it seems like forever ago you walked out those blue gates or maybe it seems like just yesterday you finished all those murals at school. Either way, tomorrow marks the begining of the new school year! I have been thinking a lot about how much attitude can make a difference. Last night I was listening to a speaker that spoke about the difference that American students and Asian students (meaning students that are actually attending school in Asia) approach math. Here in the U.S. many people think being good at math is something you are born with and there is not much you can do to change your ability. In Asia, the students believe that the key to understanding math is hardwork. Statistics show that schools in Asia outperform schools in America, I believe we can change this simply by changing that attitude that we approach learning with, teachers and students both. Imagine the power of truly believing you can! Think about it, what attitude will you bring tomorrow? The next day? This school year? Could it make a difference? I believe it can!